Creating Space for Your
Growing Needs

What if you didn’t have to choose between your baby and your dreams?

Here at Riverside Life Services, we believe you have an opportunity of a lifetime right at your fingertips. You may feel like a positive pregnancy test means your life is ending, but we believe it’s just beginning.

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy is scary, confusing, and hard, but it’s okay, we are ready to be with you every step of the way!

We know you are ready to feel respected, supported, understood, and informed, don’t wait, confirm your pregnancy with us today.

“RLS has been a blessing in my life. Before hearing of them, I had not encountered another place like this. Their fierce encouragement and love for their clients is felt the moment you walk in. I am grateful for the impact they had in my life…” -Linda L.

Good news, you are in great hands!

We can confirm your pregnancy through testing and ultrasounds. We have educational classes through all stages of pregnancy and parenting, we even have classes for dads!

We also know there is a whole lot more to your situation than meets the eye, which is why we offer personalized mentorship to help you make the best decision for your situation.

All of our services are completely confidential and provided at free to low-cost to you. No shame, no judgment, just the support and services you need from people who care.


We can’t wait to hear your story!

“I went here a couple months ago to confirm pregnancy and once the positive results came back I sat there and cried for about half an hour. I was scared and sad and confused and didn't know what I was going to do. The ladies here are so kind and compassionate and made me feel like everything was probably going to be alright. I'm glad I found this place. Their kindness made all the difference in the world.” -Brandi S.

Here at Riverside Life Services we help you feel supported and confident in your pregnancy decisions, so that you have the tools you need for a more PROSPEROUS future.

We accomplish this through:

  • Valuing life

  • Providing confidential and and judgement free counseling

  • Education that provides practical Biblical and Scientific truth

  • Sharing solutions for abortion alternatives

  • Caring for your material needs like diapers and baby clothes

  • Producing quality referrals for prenatal care, financial and housing assistance
    professional counselors and domestic violence support

  • Support groups for breastfeeding, miscarriage, and abortion recovery